Most Wolf Blue shirts are designed to pique your curiousity and to leave you with a few questions. This one takes the cake as you’ll be wondering everything from “What’s going on?” to “Is that a little person?” to “Is that a statue? A statue of what?” to “What country is this in?” to “When was this?” to “Is that a chair?” and on and on. — The questions could go on all night!
You will feel amazing wearing this shirt, too. Printed on a high end Bella + Canvas 3001 t-shirt, the fabric has a soft feel and the cut is great, no matter what the size. Most t-shirt companies print on the most economical blanks they can find and hope their design is decent enough to get someone to wear it. With Wolf Blue, we want to be the only t-shirts you want to wear, so the quality of the shirt itself matters a lot to us as well!