Chrisanto : The Amazing Puppeteer


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Everyone loves the most famous puppeteer in Branson, Missouri : Chrisanto and his adorable sidekick Blurty… well, that’s the story you can tell when people ask who is that on your shirt! Through the magic of computer wizardry, this puppeteer who doesn’t exists can now be yours to show off to the world. Tell them how great the show was! You can even help them search for tickets.

You'll feel super comfortable wearing this shirt, too. Printed on a premium-quality Bella + Canvas 3001 blank, the fabric has a nice feel and the cut is great, no matter what the size. Most t-shirt companies print on the cheapest blanks they can find and hope their design is good enough to get someone to wear it. With Wolf Blue, we want to be the only t-shirts you want to wear every day, so the quality of the shirt matters a lot to us as well!

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Weight N/A